The Boot Covers the Dedication of Holston Home

Take a peek at this article in The Boot reporting on the dedication of the Holston Home to Rodney Atkins.

Before he was adopted by Margaret and Allan Atkins, the baby they would name Rodney Atkins was called Jimmy Holston. That was the name given to him by the Holston Home in Greenville, Tenn. And now the Holston United Methodist Home for Children has beautifully renovated campus, and a residence hall with a new name: The Rodney Atkins Youth Home.

Rodney returned to Greenville recently to perform a special acoustic concert and sign autographs. He also took the time to get to know the children in the home on a one-to-one basis.

He then participated in the official ribbon cutting ceremony in which the Rodney Atkins Youth Home was named and dedicated, and took a tour of the new buildings.

"This is absolutely one of the greatest things of my life," says Rodney. "This isn't a career achievement. This is a life achievement. Just to have the opportunity to try and positively affect those kids' lives is wonderful. I am so thankful for the folks at Holston Home and their hard work. They absolutely are some of the greatest people alive. It's really hard to express how grateful I am to be a part of Holston's mission."

The Holston Home ministry began in 1895, when a single woman founded an orphanage in Northeast Tennessee. The Home's current director Charles Hutchinson, called the singer, "Our poster boy for Hope."

Rodney has long been associated with the home as a spokesperson, and also as celebrity spokesperson for the National Council For Adoption. He was instrumental in securing a grant from the Academy of Country Music and Lifting Lives that provided guitars and music lessons to the children at Holston Home.

"So many people worked on this project and have showed these kids what unconditional love is," he says. "I'm proud to be a part of something that shows kids that."

CMT Insider will tour the Holston Home with Rodney on episodes which will air Aug. 29 and 30.