Hey Y’all - from Rodney!

Right now, we're getting ready for Music Fest next week. Hope to see a few of you there.

Will be around town doing a bunch of things...come check out the Chevy Parade, the Velveeta Shells & Cheese Side Shack, the Chevy booth, the Riverfront...check on my website for all of the info. It’s going to be a busy week. I'm looking forward to kicking it all off on Tuesday with our Fan Party at Carl Black. Everyone knows how hard our community has been hit recently, and there are some folks who have been struggling and lost so much. Knowing those folks could likely use some distraction, I didn’t want anything to stop us all from getting together and enjoying that sense of community. No one needs to worry about money- we’re just getting together and having a good time. To my Fan Club folks, thanks for your continued support, and I appreciate you sharing your time. Looking forward to seeing you. Thanks to all of the folks at Carl Black for hosting and being such a great supporter of our community in so many ways. I'm glad to be a part of the family.

Looking forward to it...